
With a brand new year, new month and new website, we thought it was about time to start developing some delicious new flavours to add to our current core selection. The possibilities for new flavours are almost endless, with seasonal suggestions and traditional tastes that we know will be loved throughout the year. With a list as long as our arm to get started with, we thought we'd open our search for new flavours to see what our customers want to see next, and quite simply, we need your help!

Over on Facebook we are currently running a competition to find our next fudge flavour. To enter all you have to do is Like our Facebook page and comment on the competition post with what flavour you think should be next, it's really that simple! The closing date is 19/02/17 so there's still time to get your suggestions in, and you can comment with as many suggestions as you want. The winner will have their flavour turned into reality, and will be the first person to receive the fudge to test it out, we can't be fairer than that!

We've had such an overwhelming response of suggestions so far and it's great to see so many fans of our creamy fudge wanting to help broaden our range. Here are some of the suggestions so far to name but a few..

  • Raspberry Ripple
  • Salted Caramel
  • White Chocolate
  • Butterscotch
  • Cherry Bakewell
  • Strawberries and Cream
  • Peanut Butter
  • Cookie Dough
  • Tea and biscuits (one of the most unusual!)
  • Turkish Delight

It looks like we have a lot of work to do in the fudge kitchen! Can you spot any that you would like to be made into fudge reality? It's definitely going to be hard work when we get down to picking a winner, we would make them all if we could! We love that our loyal fudge customers can have such an integral part to the development of our flavours, and as always if you have any other suggestions or comments about our fudge please drop us an email or contact us across our social platforms. We look forward to seeing all of your fudge flavour suggestions... Who knows what flavour could be next?

Catch us over on Facebook, Twitter, Google + & Instagram for our latest news, lots of delicious fudge and some competitions too!

Post By Nicole Sage